Part of the Green 13!
Herb Tarbous is running for Congress with the Green Party in Congressional District 6.

Herb Tarbous is running for Congress with the Green Party in Congressional District 6.
We must continue to build a society which leverages our diversity for the common good and rejects all forms of misogyny and racism.
Our current economy is dependent on ever-increasing military spending which creates a bias towards violence and war in our foreign policy. This is not sustainable if we wish to live is a peaceful world. We must refocus our expenditures on domestic issues such as housing and education.
Climate change is an existential threat to our communities. We must pass The Green New Deal which includes a Federal Jobs Guarantee.
Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) will work to mitigate and reverse the toxic political polarization which defines the US political system. See the organization working to enact RCV which Herb co-founded with other political activists.
Single-Payer Universal Healthcare is something enjoyed by all other industrialized nations.
I've taken the Patients over Profits Pledge
"CEOs and lobbyists for Big Pharma, corporate insurers, and private hospitals have formed a front group called Partnership for America’s Healthcare Future that wants to exploit our healthcare system to make money off of keeping us sick.
I pledge to put patients over profits and not take contributions over $200 from the executives, lobbyists, and PACs affiliated with the corporate health care industry, including private insurers, pharma corporations, and private hospitals who are organizing to take over our health care system."
For the entire 2024 Green Party platform see .
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New Jersey has 12 Congressional Districts and one Senate position up for election in 2024. The Green Party of New Jersey has candidate running for all positions, hence the "Green 13"!
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